Friday, 8th March
From the Principal ...
2024 Annual Plan - Can you help?
In our last newsletter, we published our 2024 Annual Plan. Below is a snapshot of our main focuses for the year. The Leadership Team and the staff have already drafted ways as to how we can work towards achieving these goals BUT we want your help and input. If you feel you have something to contribute to how we work towards these goals, I strongly encourage you to contact with me so we can discuss your ideas. This is a great way for parents and the community to contribute to the life and direction of the school as well as be involved.
NAPLAN - It is next week!
Our year 3 and year 5 students will undertake the suite of a NAPLAN ssessments over the next week or so starting next week.
What is NAPLAN? NAPLAN is a nationwide assessment designed to measure students' skills in literacy and numeracy. The results help educators, schools, and parents to identify areas of strength and areas that may need additional support. Whilst it provides us with important data it is not so important that we want students, parents or teachers to feel worried about it.
There are a few things that parents can do to help:
1. Preparation: While NAPLAN is not a test that students can specifically prepare for, ensuring your child is well-rested, has a balanced diet, and arrives at school on time can contribute to their overall well-being and readiness for the assessments.
2. Encouragement: It's important to encourage your child to do their best without placing undue pressure on them. NAPLAN is just one measure of their progress, and the results should be viewed in conjunction with ongoing classroom assessments.
3. Support: If you have any concerns or questions about NAPLAN, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or myself. We are here to support both you and your child throughout this process.
4. Perspective: Remember that NAPLAN is just one tool among many that helps us understand your child's academic progress. It does not define them, and we value each student for their unique abilities and strengths.
Kind regards,
Niccola Pearce
Dates to Remember ...
- 11th - Long Weekend = No School
- 12th - Kinder 2025 Interviews Commence
- 13th - SPC Band Program starts
- 20th - Sacramental Program Information Night
- 29th - Good Friday (no school)
- 1st - Easter Monday (no school)
- 2nd -Easter Tuesday (no school)
- 3rd - School resumes after Easter Break
- 11th - Term Concludes for Students (Thursday)
* For more dates & events, have a look at the school calendar
- 15th Mar - Grade 2
- 22nd Mar - Grade 1
- 5th Apr - Grade 4
Setup for Success
Every Wednesday from 9am - 10.30am, in the Kinder classroom.
- Term 1 - 7th Feb-11th Apr
- Easter - 29th Mar-2nd Apr
- Term 2 - 29th Apr-5th Jul
- Term 3 - 23rd Jul-27th Sep
- Term 4 - 15th Oct-18th Dec
In Prep ...
In Prep we have had a focus on naming 2D shapes and identifying their physical attributes. We used basic 2D shapes to create rockets. We splattered paint on black card to create a starry looking background.
My New Gallery
Make Jesus Real (MJR) with Marty Ogle
What a privilege it was to recently work with staff and students sharing ideas about ‘Making Someone’s Day’, striving to bring JOY to those around us by making good choices. Sadly, many of the students shared that they back chat or talk back at home. We discussed how this can become a habit that creates hardship for parents and carers – AND I reminded them that parenting is a hard job! Their teachers stated that this habit is one that they don’t want to see in the classroom.
Some of the children would have come home with ‘OK’ written on their hands – this is to remind them that when they are asked to help with a chore, stop gaming, going to bed etc that by getting into the habit of saying ‘Ok’ (with a smile), it can create a positive atmosphere at home. This is a much more desired response rather than answering back or saying ‘No!’ We also spoke about ‘Choices’ and that everyone has choices and we must get into the habit of making GOOD decisions based on the values Jesus constantly taught and spoke about. The students were forth-coming with great ideas on how to do this at home, school and in the communities they are involved in with sport, hobbies etc.
We spoke about ‘Spirit of Jesus’ moments that occur all around us – there are so many, we just have to look for them and name them up. Please ask your children about ‘THE MAGIC’ they can create because we had many magic moments during the two sessions with the Year 5’s and Year 6’s.
Finally, as a visitor, I must say how impressed I was with the listening and interaction of the students and you certainly have amazing staff that strive to bring out the best in your children. Why not ask your children about the day with Marty eg what did they learn about making GOOD CHOICES.
God Bless
Marty Ogle
SPC Year 7, 2025
Enrolment Information Evening & School Tours.
Kinder 2025!
If you have a child that will be turning 5 next year, please send in your enrolment form now!
If you have family or friends wishing to enrol here at Larmenier, please let them know.
You can find a copy of the Enrolment Form on our website.
Current families who will have a child in Kinder next year, please contact the office on 6339 1910 to make an interview time.
Larmenier Online Library Catalogue & News
Visit the Larmenier online library page to have a look at the amazing books available for loan from our library. Also catch up with the latest library news for events such as Book Week and the Premier's Reading Challenge.
Sacramental Program
Enrolments for ‘The Sacramental Program’ at St Peter’s Catholic Church, Youngtown are now open for all children in Year 3 and upwards (Sacrament of Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist)
Register at the Parish through the parish email -, with the subject as : Sacramental enrolment
Enrolment and information Night is Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 6pm at St Peter's Church.