Friday, 17th May
From the Principal
School Gospel Value - Hospitality
Victoire Larmenier welcomed everyone in a spirit of friendship and acceptance.
I was a stranger and you welcomed me. (Matt 25:37)
We welcome and receive all into a warm friendly and open atmosphere.
The P and F met recently and we have set dates for some exciting school events.
Save the date for the below events
Term 2: Movie Night - 27th June
Term 3: School Disco - 26th September
Term 4: Colour Run - 15th November
Term 4: Carols on the Oval - 13th December
Parent Help.....If you would like to help organise one of these events or have a great idea for the event that you can help facilitate, please email
Each year there are two sets of SRC’s - one for terms 1 & 2 and one for terms 3&4. This way provides more opportunities to be part of the SRC process. This opportunity is for students in Yrs 1 - 6.
Student Clubs
Student Clubs are predominantly student-led. This means that students who have an idea for a club are able to run the club themselves, with some guidance from staff if needed, but most are run independently by student coordinators. This opportunity is for students Prep to Year 6.
Mini Vinnies
Mini Vinnies are a group of upper primary students who give up their time to fundraise for St Vincent de Paul. They sell items such as Zooper Doopers, small lolly bags at recess on Tuesday and then donate the funds raised to Vinnies at the end of the year. Last year they raised nearly $2000. Mini Vinnies also facilitates pantry drives where the whole school is encouraged to bring in pantry items to support St Vincent de Paul services.
Parent Link is an ongoing feature of the newsletter. It is an opportunity to identify areas or features of the school that you want to know more about, ask a question or put forward suggestions. These items can then be addressed and answered in the fortnightly newsletter in the ‘Tell Me More About’ section (as above).
Did you know that you are more than welcome to join us for Farm Days? Parent Help on Farm Day is a great way to not only spend time with your child but to also be part of learning about and caring for our animals, veggie garden and orchard. Classroom teachers will send out a letter closer to Farm Day with details. Farm Day help no longer is just for a session, but is an option if needed, stay for the whole day!
Kind regards
Niccola Pearce
Dates to remember ...
- 28th - Larmenier Cross Country
- 30th - Kinder excursion
- 6th - Band Soiree
- 7th - Kinder Enrolments close
- 12th - NIJSSA Cross Country
- 14th - Gala Day (Gr 5 & 6)
- 18th - All Schools Cross Country
- 27th - Foundation Band & Strings Workshop
* For more dates & events, have a look at the school calendar
- 31st May - Grade 5
- 7th June - Grade 6
- 14th June - Grade 2
- 21st June - Grade 3
- 28th June - Grade 4
- 5th July - Grade 1
Setup for Success - Birth to 4 Program
Every Wednesday from 9am - 10.30am in the Kinder classroom.
Bring a drink and a healthy snack.
Everyone welcome!
- Term 1 - 7th Feb - 11th Apr
- Term 2 - 29th Apr - 5th Jul
- Term 3 - 23rd Jul - 27th Sep
- Term 4 - 15th Oct - 17th Dec
Prep Farm Day
Prep had a very busy day learning how to compost, making a scarecrow and cooking banana & choc chip muffins.
My New Gallery
Parents and Grandparents are invited to attend our school assemblies. They are every second Friday, on the odd-numbered term weeks from 2.20 - 2.50 pm in the Nazareth Centre. Please sign in at the office on arrival.
Farm Induction
There is a new Farm Induction form that must be read and signed prior to helping out on a Farm Day, it only needs to be signed once. This is to assist any adult to clearly know the school expectations when they assist students during farm activities. Please direct any queries to the Principal, Niccola Pearce
A copy is attached here for your information. You can sign the form at the office.
Larmenier Cross Country
The cross country will be held here at Larmenier on Tuesday 28th May, starting at 1.15. A letter was sent home to parents with information and also asking for parent helpers. If you are able to help please return the form, or email our PE teacher, Joel King, at
We will also have a coffee van onsite.
Kinder 2025 Enrolments Closing Soon!
Even if you are a current family, a Kinder enrolment interview needs to be booked in and enrolment forms submitted by 7th June.
All Schools Cross Country
This Cross Country is held on Tuesday 18th June at Symmons Plains. The school would like to send a team and will supply a bus for travel to and fromevent. If you are interested in running, please submit your name here.
This competition is open to students born in 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015.